Publication list
Table of Contents
- Grieser, C. (2025, in press). Limits and Paradox es of Accelerating Research. A Retrospective on the Attempts to Accelerate Medical Research on COVID-19. Minerva.
- Grieser, C. (2023). Innovation as Keeping Up. Interdependent Technologies as Drivers of the Innovation Society. In: Schulz-Schaeffer, I., Seibt, D., Windeler, A. (eds) Innovationsgesellschaft heute. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. (➡️ online)
- Grieser, C. (2020). Plattformen als infrastrukturzentrierte Märkte. Eine Integration von Markt- und Infrastruktur-Perspektiven auf Plattformen, illustriert am Beispiel von Solo-Selbstständigkeit im digitalen Kapitalismus. [Platforms as infrastructure-centered markets.Integrating Market- and Infrastructure Perspectives using the example of Self-Employment in Digital Capitalism.] Gesellschaft unter Spannung. Verhandlungen des 40. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Soziologie 2020. (➡️ online)
- Grieser, C., & Egbert, S. (2020). Algorithmen als automatisierte Ranglisten. Potenziale der Soziologie der Quantifizierung für die Digitalisierungsforschung. [Algorithms as automated rankings. Potentials of the sociology of Quantification for Digitalization Research.] SoS Discussion Paper 3/2020. ( ➡️ online)
- Grieser, C. & Egbert, S. (2020). Algorithmen = Rankings + x? Impulse der Soziologie der Quantifizierung für die Digitalisierungsforschung. [Algorithms = Rankings + x? Ideas from the Sociology of Quantification for the Research on Digitalization] Konferenzpapier, 3. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Digitalisierung & Organisation an der TU Berlin (➡️ online)
- Grieser, C. (2019). The Problem of Collecting Data on Mid-Sized Complete Networks (50 < n < 200) via Questionnaire: A Proposition for Using Subgroup-Based Name Generators. Working Paper, Berlin. (➡️ online)
- Gläser, J., Laudel, G., Grieser, C., & Meyer, U. (2018). Scientific Fields as Epistemic Regimes: New Opportunities for Comparative Science Studies. Working Paper TUTS-WP-3-2018, TU Berlin. (➡️ online)
- Deisner, J. & Grieser, C. (2018). The Relationship between Openness and Closedness in the FabLab. A Differentiated Typology of Possible Relations between Institutional Logics. In: J. Engelschalt, F. Engels, & A. Maibaum (Hrsg.), Schafft Wissen – Gemeinsames und geteiltes Wissen in Wissenschaft und Technik. Proceedings der 2. Tagung des Nachwuchsnetzwerks “INSIST”. München: SSOAR. (➡️ online)
- “Innovation As Keeping up: How the Necessity to Maintain Compatibility for Interdependent Technologies Fuels the Innovation Imperative” at the 4th ISA Forum, RC23, “273 - The Innovation Imperative”, 24th February 2021.
- “Digitale Räume als technisch geformte Beobachtungskonstellationen” [Digital Spaces as Technologically Shaped Observation Constellations] at the 2nd conference of the working group “Digitalization and Sociological Theory”, 4th December 2020.
- „Plattformen als Infrastruktur-Dienstleister für Selbstständige“ [“Platforms as Infrastructure-Provider for the Self-Employed”] at the national congress of the German Sociological Association 2020, 21. September 2020 ➡️ Report on the talk at the Blog of the German Sociological Association (German)
- „Algorithmen = Rankings + x? Impulse der Soziologie der Quantifizierung für die Digitalisierungsforschung“ [Algorithms = Rankings + x? Ideas from the Sociology of Quantification for the Research on Digitalization] at the 3rd conference of the working group “Digitalization and Organization”, 6. March 2020 in Berlin (together with Simon Egbert)
- „The Subgroup-Based Recall. A Proposition for Collecting Data on Mid-Sized Intraorganizational Networks (30 < n < 150) via Questionnaire“, at the 2. Workshop of the Working Group Organizational Network Research, 27. September 2018 in Jena
- „Scientific fields as epistemic regimes; new opportunities for comparative science studies“ at the Workshop „Regimes of knowledge production“, 08. June 2018 in Berlin (together with Jochen Gläser, Grit Laudel, and Uli Meyer)
- „FabLabs als Produktionsstätten zwischen Offenheit und Geschlossenheit“ [FabLabs as Production spaces between Openness and Closedness] at the INSIST-Conference „Schafft Wissen“ at the Panel „Wissen in Labs“, 7. October 2016 in Munich (together with Jana Deisner)
- „Womit beschäftigt sich eigentlich die Wissenschaftstheorie der Sozialwissenschaften? Ein Versuch der Kartografierung des ‘Bermuda-Dreiecks’ zwischen Wissenschaftsphilosophie, Sozialtheorie und Methodologie“ [What does the Philosophy of Social Sciences do? An Attempt to map the Bermuda-Triangle between philosophy of science, social theory and methodology] in the Colloquium for Methods of Social Research, 25. May 2016 in Berlin
Academic software
- Grieser, C. (2024). Qualitative Data Analysis Realized in Obsidian [Computer software].
- Grieser, C. (2023). PDF Annotation Extractor [Computer software].
- Grieser, C. (2023). nvim-kickstart-python [Computer software].
- Grieser, C. (2023). Simulation of Axelrod Prisoner’s Dilemma [Computer software].
- Grieser, C. (2023). PDF summarizer for Alfred [Computer software].
- Grieser, C. (2023). Supercharged Citation Picker [Computer software].
Other non-academic software I created can be found at my GitHub Profile.